Student Registration
Welcome to the Student Registration page! Here, you can create your profile, explore courses, and track your learning progress. Join now and start your journey to success!
Sign In
The password must have a minimum of 8 characters of numbers and letters, contain at least 1 capital letter
Years of experience in teaching
Choose your academic specialty
Your Address
Your Address
Upload Your Resume
Upload file
Supported file formats
Drag file here or click the button.
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .pdf
Terms & Conditions
By selecting this option, you confirm that you agree to the Terms and Conditions
After signing up, please check your email to activate your account
and click on the provided link.
After that, go to Profile to access your personal Dashboard.
Instructor Registration
Welcome to the Instructor Registration page! Here, you can manage your profile, add courses, and track student enrollments. Join now and share your teaching expertise!
Instructor Sign Up
The password must have a minimum of 8 characters of numbers and letters, contain at least 1 capital letter
Years of experience in teaching
Choose your academic specialty
Your Address
Your Address
Upload Your Resume
Upload file
Supported file formats
Drag file here or click the button.
.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .pdf
Terms & Conditions
By selecting this option, you confirm that you agree to the Terms and Conditions